Exporting Videos in Lightroom

Lightroom has modest support for video. Once cataloged you can extract the videos to share using the Export mechanism, however you need to enable the export preset to recognize video files. The instructions for how to export the original video file to a folder on your file system:

  1. Start with one of the default Lightroom Presets, in this case “Export to DNG”
  2. Make sure the top Export To: dropdown box is set to “Hard Drive”
  3. In the Export Location section set Export To: to the “Choose folder later”.
  4. In the Video section check off the “Include Video Files:” and set the Video Format to “Original”.  N.B. this check box is not enabled if you have not selected a video file to export before starting the export. So if you are not able to check the box, cancel the export, select a video file, and start the Export again.
  5. [Optional] You can save this as a User Preset by clicking on the “Add” button just under the Preset list and give it a suggestive name, then the next time just use your preset.
  6. When you click on the Export button in this dialog, you will be prompted with a File Explorer dialog. Navigate in it to your USB drive and the folder you wish to save the video. N.B. the USB drive needs to be plugged into the computer before you start the Export in Lightroom.

The secret to all this is to have selected a video, and then with any export to a hard drive make sure the “Include Video Files:” is checked. You could do this with the any preset you already setup, if you did not want to make a new preset. Above I recommended setting the Video Format to the Original, if you have made edits in Lightroom you probably want to apply the changes and would select an appropriate Video Format for your target use.